Women love luxury bags because they’re sturdy enough to last a lifetime, and often retain or even exceed their original price on the resale market. They’re also a great way to elevate any outfit, especially those worn for work or special events. Unfortunately, most designer bags can be quite expensive — but what if you could rent them for a fraction of the cost? Many fashionistas are opting to use luxury bag rental services, which offer a variety of styles perfect for any occasion.
Whether you’re looking to master ’90s-era minimalism or are in the mood for a new take on Y2K style, there’s a Celine bag to suit your aesthetic. The French brand’s classic crossbody with sleek flap and clasp and its trapeze-shaped luggage tote are wardrobe staples. The label’s latest styles like the Ava and Triomphe shoulder bag are also buzzing among celebrities including Kaia Gerber.
The luxury Italian house is known for its exquisite leather accessories and artisanal techniques, such as the intricate Intrecciato stitching. The intricate technique was developed in the 1960s when sewing machines weren’t yet able to create thicker leather for bags, but it’s now the label’s signature touch. It’s a favorite of celebs including Kate Middleton and Sarah Jessica Parker.
While the brand initially started out with primarily travel pieces, the Louis Vuitton monogram canvas tote is a beloved everyday bag and a top seller on the resale market. The Louis Vuitton Keepall, Speedy, and Noe are also coveted for their durability and classic silhouettes. luxury bags